
Similarities Between Medea And Antigone

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In the beginning of both of these stories, similar things are said about how woman should act and how they should be obidient to men. For example in Antigone Ismene says, "Remember, we're woman. How can we fight men. They're stronger" (Sophocles, 75-76). Similarly in Medea, Medea says, "If a woman leaves her husband, then she loses her virtuous reputation. To refuse him is just not possible"(Euripides, 238-240). However, in both stories these woman defy these rules. In Medea, she destroys everything her husband has, including: his new wife, and her father, and both of her children. Meanwhile in antigone, she believed woman should be strong and one thing she did was bury Polynices' body, which was a violation of the law. When asked about this,

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