
Similarities Between Lincoln And Frederick Douglass

Decent Essays

Did Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln achieve equality and justice for African-American people? Did they have the same ideas? To begin with, these two characters made a difference in America, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln have similar ideas that made them such good role models for U.S citizens and for future generations. Douglass’s goal was to open people's mind and make them think how slavery affects African-American society, similar ideas occurred to Lincoln as well, he wanted internal peace for his country between the north and the south. Our nation did achieve these goals because these outstanding individuals helped introduce new information/ knowledge to citizens all across the country about how every person is created equal and should have the same rights as others do, without any discrimination of religion, skin color or culture.

Douglass’s goal was to promote freedom for slaves in the Unites States, Douglass spent his life protecting African-American rights as well as other minorities and women. In his speech “ What to the slave is the Fourth of July,” he asserted,” Trust no future, however pleasant, let the dead past bury its dead; Act, act in the living present, heart within, and God overhead.” America has accomplished freedom for African-American people because of the influence that …show more content…

Finally, we as Americans should make our way up and not be holding our American pride down keeping people of African descent, as slaves or fighting as a nation while we can become stronger as one and get together no matter who you

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