
Similarities Between Islam And Judaism

Best Essays

Islam and Judaism Compared
Aaron Hooper
American Public University System


This research paper will explore the many things that Islam and Judaism have in common with each other as well as the many things that are directly opposite. It will examine in detail each religious belief as they are compared and contrasted with each other and will examine the religious texts and writings of both Islam and Judaism. It will then explore the current relationship that Muslims and Jews have with one another especially in regard to the current Palestinian conflict. The evidence gathered for this research paper has been taken from credible sources such as the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, the APUS Library and many Jewish and Muslim websites …show more content…

The Five Pillars of Islam are five primary obligations that a Muslim must fulfill in his or her lifetime and they form the basic identity of a Muslims, their faith, beliefs and practices (The Five Pillars, 2015, para. 1). The Second Pillar of Islam is Salah (prayer) in which many Muslims around the world will turn individually and collectively to Makkah (Islam's holiest city) and offer up five daily prayers at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset and evening (The Five Pillars, 2015, para. 3). Every Muslim when facing Makkah is not just turning to face Makkah but is actually turning towards Makkah to face the Kaba which Muslims believe is a house of worship that Abraham built with his son …show more content…

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