
Similarities Between Hephaestus And Epimetheus

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Once upon a time in ancient Greece, there lived two brothers, Prometheus and Epimetheus. These two brothers were among the kind of humans who often upsets or even angered the Gods due to the reckless behaviors. Prometheus was the more reckless and cunning of the two since he stole the fire from Hephaestus in the Isle of Lemnos. Zeus, the King of Gods, was so furious, and he wanted to punish the two brothers. He came up with a plan to give them a beautiful woman named Pandora to lure them. Hephaestus helped him to make her out of clay, and Athena gives her life. Hermes also helped in teaching her to be pleasant as well as deceptive.
When the Gods sent Pandora to the mortal world, she managed to charm Epimetheus. Even though Prometheus had warned

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