
Similarities Between Han China And Imperial Rome

Decent Essays

Imperial Rome and Han China were two of the biggest empires during the Classical period. They shared many of the same qualities, yet they had little to no contact with one another. Imperial Rome and Han China were similar because they used ideologies to control their citizens rather than religion, and they were different because Han China had an extensive educated bureaucracy as opposed to Rome’s authoritarian government based on military power.
Han China and Imperial Rome used ideologies to shape their society. In Han China, Confucianism was used as a basis to control its bureaucrats and citizens. This ideology, created by Confucius, encouraged moral and cultural unity. It encouraged respect towards authority, and set guidelines for how an individual should act towards people above their social class and people below their social class. Han rulers created one of the first civil service tests, requiring applicants to have an understanding of Confucianism and other early writings to become a bureaucrat. This resulted in a …show more content…

During this period, China had an extensive educated bureaucracy composed of citizens from any class. The bureaucrats were educated with principles of Confucianism, and Chinese literature. This was the governing class. The bureaucrats were respected by members of the lower classes and controlled the local areas. The emperor ruled through the instructions given to the bureaucracy. Imperial Rome had a single authoritarian ruler who was in control of the country because of the power of his military. The tyrant ruled through laws imposed on the citizens. Local governments in the Roman Empire had more autonomy than its Chinese counterparts. Aristocrats were trusted to control their regions. China ruled through its bureaucrats enforcing Confucian values while Rome established laws for the country, but allowed local aristocrats to enforce

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