
Similarities Between Gregor Samsa And Ivan Illyich

Decent Essays

These two readings were not ones that I particularly enjoyed but I did find bits and pieces of them interesting. To begin, Gregor Samsa and Ivan Illyich lived completely different people and this showed by the way they lived their life. An example of this was the way they treated their families. Gregor the powerless bug with a human mind treated his family with care and ultimately respect, while Ivan thought of his family as a burden at times. I empathized with Gregor during the story because of how his family treated and abandoned him. It was really sad because his family basically gave up on him and took advantage of the fact that he worked to provide money to the family. Once he became a bug they abandoned him, and his own sister who he was close to thought he was too much of a burden. Gregor was planning on paying for his sister to go to college for music. I do not believe anyone deserves the fate that theses character’s received but Ivan’s character and integrity throughout the story appeared questionable to me. He tried to please himself rather than taking care of other’s needs. In the book it seemed like it was all about him and his family was not of importance …show more content…

Ivan is struggling with a black sack for a few days, which represents the fight with death. He realizes that he wasted a lot of time in his life by isolating himself from others and creating barriers from the world. Ivan was full of self-pity and the “Why me?” reaction reinforced the idea that he failed to see the real meaning of his life. His death was very detailed. Gregor’s death was not as detailed and only showed mild suffering, I believe this was because he was more focused on how he could help his family than on his own impending death. Again this shows his true character because even as he is dying he is concerned about his

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