
Similarities Between China And Us Constitution

Decent Essays

There are various differences and similarities between the United State and the People’s Republic of China, while comparing their constitution. The first and obvious difference in those two constitutions is the number of amendments or articles in each constitution. The United States has twenty-seven amendments on total, while China’s constitution is very specific and has one hundred thirty-eight articles on total. The United States is an individualism country, on the other hand China is a socialist country. Thus, another difference between the constitution between China and the United States is the structure of each government. In China, the power is held in the hands of people, as the first article of China’s constitution mentions that “All power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people.”, and in those of elected people in National People's Congress and the local …show more content…

The Constitution of the United States wrote the right on the First Amendment that the “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise…”. The Constitution of People’s Republic of China also mentions the freedom express right in the article 35. At the same time, the article 36 points that the citizens of People’s Republic of China can enjoy freedom of religious belief. However, there are some differences about the approaches to the freedom between those two countries. The First Amendment is not specific about what is and is not allowed when citizens express their freedom. Those were decided during the cases related the First Amendment. On the other hand, the constitution of China states some restriction about religion activities in article 36, “No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the

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