
Similarities Between Banquo And Lady Macbeth

Satisfactory Essays

Macbeth, Banquo and Lady Macbeth all react differently to the witches prophecies. Macbeth is told by the witches that he will be crowned Thane of Cawdor. At first he is very skeptical of this and shows no emotion when being told this, it seems too good to be true. But when the witches leave he begins to think of how great it would be the be thane. The things he would be able to do, the opportunities. He says If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir. (I,iii 145-146) This shows that he has some faith in this happening. But there are people in his way, so it is impossible. Macbeth begins to think of ways that he could be granted this role. This is how he comes up with the idea of killing the current thane to get what he wants. It drives …show more content…

This shows how he allowed these witches to get into his head and come up with this crazy idea. This idea that no one should ever think of. He has allowed them to let him think about murdering someone. He also shows some humanity when he starts to question the murder, showing that he has some kind of a brain. On the other hand when Banquo hears of this prophecy he believes it is unfair that Macbeth had gotten a prophecy and not him. But he is still happy for Macbeth when they tell him that he will be Thane of Cawdor. This shows that he is envious and can be a little selfish sometimes. He thinks of himself in times of other people’s happiness. But he still is able to be happy for those that he cares about. The witches go on to tell Banquo good news on how his sons will be kings and how he will be happier than Macbeth. He reacted with excitement but also he was questioning it thinking it was too good to be true. This shows that he is skeptical of the prophecies when they are good but has a small ounce of hope that they are true. Macbeth writes Lady Macbeth a letter telling her what the witches told him and she is excited that her husband is going to become the

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