
Similarities Between Antigone And Lysistrata

Decent Essays

In the end, I think it is safe to say while Antigone and Lysistrata had very little truth behind them, they each tell us about the lives of Greek women and about Greek society as a whole. In the Antigone, while King Creon thought he was above the Gods and Antigone’s sister like most women would follow his rule. Antigone however, would not do such a thing, she would defy her King in order to obey the true rulers of Greece, The Gods of Olympus. Antigone would also put her family first which in Greek culture at the time was among one of the top importance’s. We then saw in Lydistrata, how one women would stop at nothing in order to put an end to the Peloponnesian war this included putting this woman into situations where a traditional Greek woman would never have partaken. …show more content…

While these two plays have many wrongs and many rights about the women of Greece, the play ultimately show that the women of Greece were shown to have both a certain wit about them and were intelligent despite most of Greek society seeing women as the lowest ranking individual during Classical

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