
Similarities Between Anne Frank And Elie Wiesel

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Anne Frank and Elie Wiesel also had many same and different views on religion. They were both Jewish but Elie was a lot more involved with his religion and its various texts. Anne felt she wasn't a good Jew because she wasn't very involved in her religion and didn't care much for it. Elie thought his religion was everything. Anne and Elie's ideas of religion drew close as "Night" neared its end. Elie started to doubt his religion and stopped fasting on the holy days like Anne. However as Night came even closer to its end Elie doubted his religion and god completely. Anne still believed in her religion. So Elie went from one extreme to the other one. Anne however remained at the same belief. So they were different and alike for a while. …show more content…

Such literary devices are similar to "Night", another memoir by Elie Wiesel. Both novels are set in the years of World War Two in middle-eastern countries during the Holocaust. The authors of the two novels, Anne Frank and Elie Wiesel, were close in age but their experiences with the Holocaust differ greatly. Anne's and Elie's use of descriptive language and other such devices heighten the effect that their publications have on its readers. Anne is a young girl living in Amsterdam who is forced to hide with her family and another family from the Nazi regime. Anne is considered lucky since she escaped the concentration camps while several of her friends were deported. Hanneli was one of Anne's friends who frequently appears in Anne's dreams. In these dreams, she is clothed in rags and appears to be worn down, physically and emotionally. Hanneli had previously been arrested and deported to a Nazi concentration camp. She serves as a reminder of the fate of Anne's friends, companions and several million other Jews who suffered from the camps. In the novel, Hanneli serves as a symbol of the guilt that Anne has since she managed to escape concentration camps for nearly two

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