
Sikh Beliefs

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What are Sikh beliefs? The Sikh faith is a monotheistic faith and was formed in the fifteenth century and was founded by several Gurus that were sent by God to deliver the Sikh message. Sikhism recognizes only one God and believes that he is the created of the universe and most importantly cannot take birth in human form ( 2017). In the Sikh faith a Guru is one that delivers the message of God and is supposedly chosen by God to deliver the message to the world. They are chosen to be the messenger to help others attain salvation ( 2017). How can salvation be attained? Salvation for a Sikh is not a complex algorism but rather revolves around being a good person and meditating on God. For example, a Sikh would need to always have faith in God and remember him in all instances of life, thus, eventually becoming one with God. Furthermore, Sikhs believe in …show more content…

Christian faith believes in one God and that through his son Jesus one can attain salvation. God sent Jesus to this world to deliver his message of faith and the proper instructions on how to receive eternal salvation. It is through the spirit and the son of God (Jesus) that one must be saved (MOSER, P. K. 2014). For Christians, life after death will mean eternal life in heaven. A Christian’s purpose is to glorify and honor God while on earth. Most importantly, we are to serve him above all other things. In scripture, Romans: 8:29 God calls us to be more like him, in other words Christians should strive to be more Christ like ( 2017). To be more Christ like could mean serving in your community are even going on a mission trip to spread the gospel of God. The gospel of Jesus is the New Testament scriptures and gives us a thorough examination of what Jesus did from another’s perspective, most importantly, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all of which wrote stories in the New Testament about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (

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