
Significance Of Character In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In the book Night by Elie Wiesel the main character Eliazer goes through some major changes throughout the book. He starts out as a naive young boy in Singet who is mainly focused on religion to an uncaring hardy man who doesn't believe in god. Some major moments in the book that changed him from who is was to who he became was when the German Police first come and remove him from his house, when Eliezer experiences his first night at Auschwitz, when his father gets beat in the camp, when he encounters a French Girl that speaks to him, when he witness a child being hung, and when Eliezer's father gets sick, just to name a few. These moments in Eliezer's life changed him during the book.
When we first meet Eliezer he is a little boy living in Singet, a little town in Transylvania, enjoying his life and developing his faith in Judaism. He joins up with Moshe the Beadle, a man who is a foreign jew, and Moshe becomes a tutor to him. He fully trusts Moshe until the day the police removed all foreign Jews from the city, Moshe was among those Jews. When Moshie comes back we see that Eliezer is in denial when he hears of what happened to Moshe. This is the moment that starts the spark of Eliezer's change. When Moshe was trying to convince people of what he saw this is what Eliezer said, “I did not believe him myself”. This shows exactly what Eliezer was like at the start of the book. He was just a little kid. He did not know much and did not want or think bad things were going to

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