
Sigmund Freud And The Interpretation Of Dreams

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Before the chaos of the first worldwide conflict, the Great War, psychologists were looking deeper into the human mind trying to find the hidden meaning of dreams. Deeper meaning began to creep its way into both literature and art with both types of creators trying to convey meaning that is more than meets the eye in their works. Symbolism became a popular movement with the increased interest in psychology by those such as the famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud. This interest continued to raise through the years following the Great War especially in the country most blamed for the war, Germany. This blame and instability of the country fueled the expressionist movement making the work created during this time emotional and cynical towards their situation. Through these events and advancements in psychology works such as The Apparition by Gustave Moreau and The Scream by Edvard Munch were created.
Sigmund Freud is well known for his interest in the human mind. In Freud’s novel The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1913, explores the deeper meaning behind everyday life. His book explores various meanings of common types of dreams, theories on how dreams relate to everyday life, and two types of dreams: wish fulfilment dreams and distortion dreams. These types of dreams are simply put good dreams vs nightmares. Sigmund Freud believed dreams were caused by a person’s experiences in waking life, fears, wishes, their unconscious and consciousness. Sigmund Freud compared the

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