
Sight In Helen Keller's Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

Sight, by definition, is possessing the ability to see literally anything. However being born with the power to physically see is not equal to the understanding of sight that one grows to comprehend. Having the capability to see is often taken for granted and only appreciated in moments of beauty, however when someone lacks the sense all together the are able to create their own beauty which is never overlooked. To see differs in every human based on their imagination, in the letter, “View from the Empire State Building,” by Helen Keller reveals that sight is not limited to a physical trait. The full understanding of viewing the world is not derived from the sense which is shown through character traits in the play, Oedipus the King Part I …show more content…

When lacking the physical trait of sight not only do the other five senses enhance, but their imagination can too. It is a choice whether to live in darkness and suffocate in the blindness one was born with, or to still chase a life of color through different venues. Helen Keller, though she was blind and deaf, saw beautiful sights without the ability to see. Although she did not possess any working eyes or ears she had imagination. By not physically seeing the world in its imperfect beauty she was able to create her own world in utter perfection, “...more incredible still, the strange grass and skies the blind behold are greener grass and bluer skies than ordinary eyes see” (paragraph 6). When someone is given two good eyes and wake up to sight everyday they often overlook the beauty and amazement of what seeing beholds. Therefore people who are blind that wake up to technically the same thing everyday, have to urge themselves to continue viewing their world in the way they imagine it. Which leads to Helen Keller’s point that without any physical sight of dullness the real world possesses, her world lives under her control with no flaws. Living with sight can often lead people into a blur where they can physically see but they have those the meaning of what is in front of …show more content…

In the midst of life it is easy to overlook things and become oblivious to what is occurring right in front of you. However, when you lack the physical ability to see it often is all consuming and life seems to form around it. To see is not only to be able to imagine sights, but also to comprehend the world in spite of the inability to physically view it. When Oedipus comes to realization of what his life of sins is made up of, he decides that stabbing his eyes out is the only way to live without agony. However when he does so he realizes, “Yes, even now the dark holds me in its grip. Inexorable, unspeakable, eternal darkness. The pain… yet again the pain. I am racked with spasms tormented by memory” (lines 425-428). Sight is not the gateway to seeing, it is merely what one knows and understands that is viewed even when the physical trait isn’t present. The darkness one wakes up to every day can be negative or positive, in Oedipus’s case since he had already seen the horrors his life possessed it continued to haunt him. However, when one is born blind then they are still capable of creating their own images without the influence of real

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