Comparative Study of Health Problems In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the World Health Organization (2015), Japan far outperforms Sierra Leone in all health indicators. Japan, a leader in the world’s economy, continues to focus on reducing health disparities and improve the health of its citizens. Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world shares the same goals. Life Expectancy and Health Life expectancy are vastly different between Japan and Sierra Leone. Comparing these two countries will help gain insight into how the economy, government, culture, and the health care system impacts the overall health of its citizens. Government Type and Structure The government structure in Japan is a constitutional …show more content…
Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries ranked 149th in 2014 but is experiencing rapid growth (World Bank, 2015). According to World Population Review (2015), 42% of Sierra Leone’s population is under the age of 15. The Republic of Sierra Leone struggles with the burden of infectious diseases, maternal, neonatal and nutritional issues, HIV, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (World Health Organization, 2015). Sierra Leone is focusing on improving health care access and affordability of care. Since the majority of health related problems in Sierra Leone are related to access of care, sanitation, and water supply, the focus should be at the national level to improve these aspects and increase life expectancy and health life …show more content…
This program requires all citizens to have coverage either through an employer based program or through the national program which also includes public assistance to low income households (The Commonwealth Fund, 2015). Insurance companies are not-for-profit and are mandated to cover the same services for the same price. Every two years the Japanese Ministry of Health negotiates the fixed prices and provides oversite for tight control of the insurers, approved pharmaceuticals and medical devices (The Commonwealth Fund, 2015). Citizens do not have the right to choose, but are covered by insurers in the prefecture in which they reside (The Commonwealth Fund, 2015). Premiums are determined for employer based programs and the National Health Insurance Program based on salary. An amount designated as member responsibility can be up to 30% and is also based on salary (The Commonwealth Fund, 2015). After the amount is reached care is covered in full. Private insurance is held by 70% of the population to cover out of pocket expenses, treatments not covered, and lumps sums if members are out of work due to hospitalization (The Commonwealth Fund, 2015). Access to care is open; therefore, patients can pick the provider or service. One of the issues Japan is focusing on is the distinction between primary care and specialist care. Currently, many citizens will go to clinics, hospitals, or directly to a specialist and
In The Epic of Gilgamesh we see an epic hero, Gilgamesh, rule over the town of Urik. He is a harsh ruler who makes his power known to his people. Shortly after this, he meets his equal in strength, Enkidu, who is a man from nature. Together these two conquer many lands until the gods decide that they are two powerful together, and they kill Enkidu. This loss to Gilgamesh forces him to go out wandering the land looking for answers to immorality. Everything that Gilgamesh does follows the character trail of an epic hero. The hero’s journey gives us a close representation to the archetype of Gilgamesh’s journey. However, in order to complete the hero’s journey to fit Gilgamesh’s, it needs to include a challenge of power and another
Compounding this lack of care, Haitians also lack clean drinking water and proper sanitation systems. Less than half the population has access to clean drinking water, a rate that is only surpassed by civil war-torn African nations. Even worse, half the population of Haiti can be categorized as “food insecure,” and this malnutrition has created a generation where half of all Haitian children are undersized (IFRC, 2010). In addition, this poor sanitation and hygiene, coupled with inadequate nutrition, have contributed to exceptionally high levels of individuals with chronic, yet often at best ill-treated, conditions.
The continent of Africa has been exposed to countless of years of tragedy including forced slavery and colonialism. One of the most devastating hits to Africa is the civil war that occurred in Sierra Leone from 1991 to 2002. This country experienced a decade long war in an endeavor to achieve economic stability and a democratic political system for Sierra Leoneans. There are many facets that contributed to the warfare that occurred in the small nation, from the reason why the conflict started, the numerous participants and their affiliations, and cessation as well as the effects thereafter.
In addition, some of the best healthcare system in the world such as that of Italy is operated in a combination of private and public system (WHO, 2000). Furthermore, Ruseki (2009) indicated that there was some evidence that suggested competition among health service providers caused the improved quality of care and social welfare, and improved customer satisfaction. To reduce the outflow of nurses and physicians from the public hospital to the private, Japanese governments sets the hourly wage slightly higher than average for the workers of government-own
The health of many women in Algeria which is part of Sub-Saharan Africa in 1990 were impacted by the poor health care system because they lived in poverty. Poverty caused these women to lack essential needs to live a quality life. They lacked or could not afford resources such as supplies, health care professionals, and facilities for healthcare, clean water, and waste disposal. This ultimately affected the health of women and their children. For instance, lack of clean water and waste disposal facilities can cause health abnormalities such as cholera or typhoid fever which can cause devastating deaths. This is a healthcare problem because of the lack of funding. The lack of funding prevents antibiotics from being used to prevent death, and prevents African’s from being vaccinated against typhoid fever. Another example of how poverty affects woman’s health is unintended pregnancy, which is because they are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior. It's part of the health crisis because it includes a poor health system, and a lack of education about proper nutrition and behaviors during pregnancy. Complications in these pregnancies due to poor nutrition and not visiting the doctor regularly includes increased infant mortality. Infant mortality in the slums of Nairobe is 91.3% while it is 75.9% in urban areas where there is a better developed healthcare system. The inferiority of poor Africans in
Learning to speak the unspeakable: Verbalising trauma and the mourning process in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close The characters Oskar Schell and his grandfather, Thomas Schell Senior, in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, demonstrate the idea that learning to talk about trauma is a necessary step in the mourning process. Trauma can be defined as a lasting response to a distressing experience. Oskar’s trauma stems from his father’s death in the 9/11 attacks.
Oxfam is upgrading public health through safer access to sustainable and sufficient water sanitation and health services by supporting the development of appropriate pro-poor water and sanitation policies. One example of this is that Oxfam is providing clean water and hygiene kits to survivors of the mudslide in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Oxfam initially plans to help almost 2,000 households that are in concerns over the fact that there is continuous heavy rains, overcrowding and inadequate water and sanitation systems which will leave people extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of cholera and other diseases. Sustainable Development Goal 3 Good Health and Wellbeing: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages aims to promote the
Throughout the world, many different healthcare systems exist. The number one system in the world is France. Unfortunately, the United States does not rank very high on the list at number thirty-seven out of fifty different nations. Many larger and smaller countries are ranked higher than the United States. However, it is important to compare these different systems in order to find an ideal system that can improve population health, improve individual care, and reduce the cost. Japan is ranked number nine. Although this system has its own pros and cons, it is still ranked high on the scale of different healthcare systems.
For eleven years, civil war desecrated the infrastructure throughout the small African nation of Sierra Leone. Tens of thousands were killed, and human suffering was widespread. More than a decade of constant fighting between the government and relentless rebels left the country in ruins. Roads were destroyed, bridges burned, buildings left in shambles, and the power supply nearly eliminated. The United Nations intervened, and assisted the government of Sierra Leone in establishing peace and setting up fair and honest, multi-party elections. The new government has since struggled in rebuilding the war-torn nation. More than half of Sierra Leoneans live in poverty, and nearly half are food insecure. Years of food shortages left nearly a third
A healthy population is not only vital but also a necessity for a country’s economic growth and development. There is an inherently strong connection between the health status of the population and the level of development of a country. Most countries that are exceptionally developed have an overwhelmingly healthy population,
Health has been influenced by many factors such as poor health status, disease risk factors, and limited access to healthcare. All these factors are due to social, economic and environmental disadvantages. According to the World Organization (WHO) (2015), “the social determinants of health are mostly responsible for health inequities, which is the unfair and avoidable differences in health status seen within and between countries”
In the world today, there are over 250,000 child soldiers fighting for their lives (Goodwin).During the Sierra Leonean civil war in 1991-2002, the United Nations estimated that there were over 7,000 child soldiers being used on both sides (Maclay). The conditions during the war were terrible and in 2002 over 50,000 people were dead, however nobody came to help and put troops on the ground. There were over 2.5 million citizens in Sierra Leone forced to leave their homes which is almost half of the entire population. No one came to help because they did not care about the African citizens living in the 3rd the world country. Other countries did not want to become involved in a war if they were not required too. This idea is related to Aaronson’s
In Sierra Leone a lot of the population lives in poverty. In 2011 the percentage of the people that were poor was 52.9 percent (Index Mundi). Also, “The live expectancy at birth was 46 years in 2013” (World Bank 2013). This shows that people die at an early age because of infections because they don’t have the money to go to a hospital. Another thing that has affected the people in Sierra Leone is that from 1991 to 1999 there was a civil war and most houses and shops are still not fully build back (BBC, 2015). Not only have they had a civil 3war but also in 2013-2014 the Ebola epidemic came and hit Sierra Leone (Rebecca Davis, 2014). So as you can see there where lots of things that influenced the people in Sierra Leone and because of all these
The Constitution, America’s four father’s greatest establishments in US history, was created to coalesce and unite the people as one, and to grant prerogatives and incontrovertible freedom for individuals. Indeed, the Constitution not only guarantee 's civil rights for all men and women, but ensures them with opportunities of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, several chains of events-the attack on the World Trade Center, the movement for gender equality, and conflicts between the majority and minority- have become the catalyst of a whole new meaning for the Constitution. In other words, with all the changes that are/has happened in the 21st century the politicians, government officials, the media, and elite authorities have/are acting upon creating regulations, laws, policies, and social norms that interfere and conflict with our constitutional rights. For this reason, the significance of the Constitution slowly evanescent through ignorance, and have led individuals to believe the Constitution is a mere quixotic theory. Although many people believe the Constitution still holds the same value it did when it first was established, some people feel their privilege of the 1st, 4th, and 14th amendments have been limited and violated as a result of external conflicts.
The struggle for better health care and healthy life in Nigeria is complicated, when given the country’s social determinants. These determinants are so convoluted that it is difficult to isolate any of one of them. For example, environmental factors such, as safe water, clean air and housing are realistic important, however, the prominence of good sanitation for better health is equally essential. Physical environment i.e. harmless water, unpolluted air, healthy environment, better housing, social communities and other infrastructures are all contributing factors to better health. Relevantly, employment and education are both important also. Reports show that people in employment are comparatively healthier than those without steady income, and particularly those who have more control over their working environments. As noted, income and social status are attributed to better health. Document reflects that the greater the gap between the rich and poor people, the more differences in their health and living condition. Holtz (2017) affirms that higher mortality and lower life expectancy is common among those in the lower grades of employment when compared to those in higher grades.