
Siddhartha Gautama Research Paper

Decent Essays

Living a life of wealth and riches, Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who reigned around 400 BC. Siddhartha became Buddha- the enlightened one- through comprehending the roots of human suffering while living a disciplined life (BBC.CO.UK). During his reign, he was the leader and founder of a sect of wanderer ascetics (Sramanas), one of many that existed in India during the time (ANCIENT.EU). After his death, his sect slowly grew into a religious-like movement, traveling along the Silk Road and by sea, and turned into the core teachings of Buddhism, and was finally established as a state religion in India by the time of Emperor Ashoka during the third century BCE (ANCIENT.EU).
The statue is of Buddha sitting in the lotus position that is used for meditation and teaching (SITE.GOOGLE.COM). His hands and face are more or less life size, but his body is smaller (SITES.GOOGLE.COM). He is looking serenely in the distance, with his eyelids lowered (SITES.GOOGLE.COM). His hair is up in a bun, symbolizing Buddha’s wisdom …show more content…

Before statues of Buddha were created, symbols such as his footprints or the tree under which he became enlightened were used to symbolize Buddha (SITES.GOOLE.COM). It is said that it was forbidden to make statues or paintings of Buddha, but there are no facts to back this accusation (BUDDHANET.NET). The symbolism of footprints is still significant in Indian culture today because it represents a person who is no longer, but has left their traces on Earth (SITES.GOOLE.COM). Pilgrims would use statues like this one to reflect the Buddha’s teachings before visiting his relics (BBC.CO.UK). Images of Buddha had a great amount of significance. By adoring and admiring the image of Buddha, the practicing Buddhists are also remembering the historical teacher, the Buddha (BBC.CO.UK). Also, the image of the Buddha reminds you of the potential of awakening that lies within everyone

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