
Sibyl Vane

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In The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, there are both moral and immoral characters. Though these characters, for the most part, stick with either one path or the other, they are often motivated by someone or something to do so. One person that is extremely inspired by both acting and the character of Dorian Gray is Sibyl Vane. Sibyl Vane is an immoral character at this point in time as she values love over all else. This is recognized as she constantly ignores her mother as a result of her love for Dorian. Sibyl Vane, in her love and admiration for Dorian Gray, continually neglects her mother’s guidance. As Sibyl is in a state of joy over the man, her mother brings up the topic of money, to which she replies that money does not matter and how “love is more than …show more content…

This is demonstrated as she describes her mother attempting to tell her this information, specifically describing the chair as worn, the author imitating common sense, and the thin lips. These descriptions are an example as to how much she respects her mom at this point, describing her basically as old, strict and unrelentless, a person trying to be somebody that she is not, and somebody not worth listening to, something that was considered looked down upon and immoral at that point in time. At the conclusion of this quote, Sibyl mentions a questionable hyperbole of being free in a prison, showing how trapped she is in her sentiment for Dorian that she doesn’t even acknowledge her separation from her mother and the issues that she may suffer as a result of this. Sibyl shows a final sign of immorality as she asks her mother if she “love[d] [her] father as [she] love[s]

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