
Shylock Holocaust Quotes

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Many people throughout history and even today get discriminated against because of their beliefs. People who have different beliefs are prosecuted because other feel their beliefs are not right. For example Jewish people have been treated unjustly in history. A major event that proves this is the holocaust, which was a huge genocide targeted towards Jewish people. In both plays The Merchant of Venice and Inherit The Wind the characters Shylock and Bertram Cates were ridiculed because of their beliefs. These characters withstood poor treatment in society, lacked rights and went through unfair trials. Shylock was mistreated throughout The Merchant of Venice, since the play took place in the 16th century many people looked down on him for being Jewish. Shylock’s job was to be a moneylender. He would give loans to others and they would pay him back the money they owed. This job was disliked by many citizens because money lenders typically wanted to steal your money. Shylock was also mistreated because he was Jewish. “Certainly, the Jew is the very devil incarnation;” (2.2.26-27). This is a quote from Lancelot voicing his hate for Shylock. This quote also displays the way …show more content…

Cates was a teacher who taught students evolution. In Hillsboro they believed in the theory of creation since they were so strong in their religion. They treated Cates differently than others because of his views. Simply because he had different views than the town had he had been poorly treated in society. In the 1900’s when this play took place, believing in evolution was illegal which was why Cates was looked at so differently. “People look at me as if I were a murderer. Worse than a murderer!” (Lawrence and Lee 50). This quote shows how strongly the town had not like Cates because of his beliefs. The town was not very pleased with his beliefs so he was brought to

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