
Showing Off Your Mom Corpse On 4chan Analysis

Decent Essays

How would you react if after coming home to find your mother murdered, then go on Reddit to see that the top article is the killer showing off your mom’s corpse on 4chan? That’s the shocking truth of what happened after a man known only as Kalac strangled his girlfriend and posted the pictures of the body on 4chan with the captions “turns out it’s way harder to strangle someone than it looks in the movies,” and “she fought so damn hard.” Though this is a sad truth, and many were scared by the event, it was just another day on 4chan. Nothing out of the ordinary for the surface web’s biggest pool of sociopaths, and gore loving basement dwellers. When you think about it, without the allure of being the edgiest person in the message/image board, would there of ben en a reason to post? Why, without the tempting feeling of showing off a murder and getting away …show more content…

Most would make the argument that it would be the best option for the government to take control of what we see on the internet, as if they don’t already do that with everything else in our lives. We should be asking ourselves if that’s what we really want, sure there can be murderers and pedophiles on places like dark-net but why should those of us who do nothing wrong, and simply use the internet as a means of knowledge, communication, and entertainment be controlled with what we’re able to see. When it comes down to the simple question of are you for or against it most that would say they are have defenitaly never had a parental block or firewall. Something as massive as the internet should never be censored, or controlled. How ludicrus would it sound if the president came out and said that the government was going to start regulating space and what we’re allowed to be expossed to when it comes to something that is literally endless and totally

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