1.Cain, Susan. Quiet. New York: Broadway, 2013. Print. In this book the author delves deep in to all aspects of introverted life. One aspect she coverd was how introverts perform better in certain leadership roles than extroverts. Statistically, Introverts preform better academically getting higher scores on average. different cultures like the Japanese and Chinese define introversion as their cultural ideal. She also discussed how our culture shifted in the early twentieth century from one that valued character to one that prized salesmanship and personality above all else. She also discusses what situations a introverted person thrives in and how introverts and extraverts can learn to communicate with each other. .2.Gannett,Anita …show more content…
The introverted leaders where listening to the constructive ideas of their workers. 4.Helgoe , Laurie.”Revenge of the Introvert”, Psychology. today. Sussex Publishers, 2010. Web. 18 Dec 2013. The author of this article, Laurie, Helgoe (also the author of a book called introvert power) takes a look at her experience as a introvert in a field which required too much interaction, as well as her journey of self discovery to find a job that better fitted her personality. She then goes on to draw the all important differentiation between being introverted and shy. A shy person is afraid of social interaction, where as a introvert prefers a lower level of stimulation. And then she addresses how introverts are less reward seeking than extroverts . She also points out how it can be hard to be a introvert in the extravert centric American culture. Her article then moves on to compare thought patterns of introverts and extraverts like how introverts tend to think more before talking and can work alone without having to brace them selves for it. The article then reminds the reader that not all countries share the extroverted ideal for example in Finland introversion is seen as normal . The constant pressure from a extroverted culture on a introvert can even lead to a higher risk of mental illness. Introverts have a higher level of blood flow in the arias of the brain related to contemplation and speech . Introverts require a different level of stimulation than
The first of these ideas was about how introverts are undervalued in society. In the book, the author says, “If you’re an introvert, you also know that the bias against quiet can cause deep psychic pain. . ‘all the comments from childhood still ring in my ears, that I was lazy, stupid, slow, boring,’. ‘By the time I was old enough to figure out that I was simply introverted, it was a part of my being, the assumption that there is something inherently wrong with me.” (pg. 6 & 7).
Susan Cain, a well known and appreciated writer from America in the field of psychology, recently held a speech on one of the famous TED talks and entirely captured me by trying to give the audience an understanding of introversion.
In her article Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic? author Susan Cain addresses many of the preconceived notions society has against introverted people. Cain argues that society tends to favor the outgoing and extroverted and shames those who prefer to be alone rather than socialize. The author utilizes certain writing strategies as a way to change her audience’s original views surrounding introversion. Cain’s use of comparing and contrasting, specific examples, and strong transitions that bridge various ideas to each other make her argument, that introverts are essential to society, much more persuasive.
Susan Cain’s Ted Talk The Power Of Introverts brought a new conversation to society in how introverts are treated. Five years ago (when this took place) this topic was not very well discussed, which made this piece very eye opening for some. Using Aristotle's appeals: logos and pathos, as well as a comparative argument in her ted talk, Cain persuades viewers that we as a society oppress/shame introverts, not allowing them to strive or be themselves in our now extroverted society. She advocates for a more balanced society that serves both introverts and extroverts instead of just extroverts.
When people hear the word introvert, they usually think of someone who is quiet, shy and keeps to themselves. The word introvert generally has a negative connotation associated with it, but Susan Cain argues in a Ted talk called “The power of introverts” that being an introvert is actually a good thing. In her argument, Cain uses ethos, logos, and pathos to appeal to her audience and this essay will analyze how she does so.
As human beings, we different from one another. We are created with a lot of character traits. We all can gain knowledge about our own personalities, we develop our perceptive about strengths and weaknesses, and clarify what we truly value as individuals. The Myers Brigg personality assessment classified me as an Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving (ISFP) personality type. Results showed slightly Introvert 16 %, sensing 12%, feeling 19%, and perceiving 3%. Throughout this paper I will analyze the diverse parts of my own personality traits and how those traits have effected both my personal and my working environment.
On April 4, I watched the TED Talk of Susan Cain, a writer. She claimed that introverts are not shy or antisocial. Specifically she claimed that introverts are not inferior to anyone just because they want to work alone. As she said, “Introverts feel at their most alive ….. and their most capable when they’re in quieter, more low-key environment.” Although some people believe that introverts like to work individually because they are shy, Cain insisted that they do that because that's how they bring out their full potential and be more creative. She stated that it's everyone's loss when introverts are told that what they are doing should not be done in this society to support that introverts have their own way of doing things which makes them
Susan Cain’s “Power of Introverts” talk was all about the importance of people who are considered introvertly inclined in our society. In her talk, she described first how her family influenced her in being an introvert. Reading is her family’s social activity and that one can roam around through his or her own imagination. She also discussed about her memorable summer camp story where she has discovered the way extrovert people live and tried to shift in this kind of life. With all these changes in her life she never left her introverted life and espoused the ideas that when it comes to creativity and leadership, the society needs introverts and the things where they excel most. She explained that introversion is how one responds to stimulation including social stimulation which is different from a person being shy – the fear of social judgment.
“It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company” (George Washington). Any type of introverted person can identify on some level to this quote. According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality test, I identify as an introvert. In fact, my full personality type can be described using four letters—ISTJ. This paper will describe what the Myers Briggs Type Indicator is, what type I am, and how accurate I find the results to be.
Be it rappers, outspoken politicians, flamboyant actors, or any number of outgoing personas, Americans admire individuals for their attention-commanding qualities. To quote Susan Cain, a former corporate lawyer, and Tedx acknowledged authority on introversion, “shyness implies submissiveness. And in a competitive culture that reveres alpha dogs, one-downmanship is probably the most damning trait of all.” THAT is why I find it so important to separate the concept of introversion from shyness: To dispel any notion of weakness, to deny any perception of social disadvantage, and to debunk the idea that introverts are in any way incapable of being functional members of society. After all, I’m a living contradiction to that
Being an introvert in a world of extroverts, especially in leadership, is hard. Many see introversion as a bad thing and more leaders are extroverted because they are more aggressive at seizing the opportunities to lead. I find myself to have some extraverted tendencies, but at the end of the day I need to recharge after long hours of social interaction, making me an introvert. As a leader, I would excel at a job where I can have social interaction when I want it, but also have time to be alone. Typically, I avoid the spotlight and I enjoy doing
This shows that people see introverts as the isolated, who dislike socializing. They see us as those who would rather stay home, than go to a party. However, this is not necessarily true.
According to many psychologists and other social experts, there exist two major social behaviors that are widely adopted globally by a person as they mature into young adulthood: extraversion or introversion. Extroverts are expressive individuals who appear to be energized and enjoy seeking activities that involve socialization with others where as a reserved individual (introvert) prefers solitary pursuits where he or she often partakes in a favorite pastime. In her novel Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength, Laurie Helgoe statistically explores the fact that more than one half of the American populace claims to be reticent and encourages those folks to embrace their natural selves (“Book Details” 1). Introverts
Introversion was defined as “withdrawn and often shy, and they tend to focus on themselves, on their own thoughts and feelings” (Jung, 1923) Therefore focusing on this personality trait can help to better understand why people tend to be reserved and withdrawn from everyday life. Carl Jung was the creator of the neopsychoanalytical approach, which focused on psychic energy. While Gordon Allport and Hans Eysenck contributor to the trait theory, focused on biology and individualized traits. Jung, Eysenck and Allport focused on extrovert vs. introvert, yet had completely different ideas of how introversion is seen in everyday life. Personally believeing this trait is one I carry, focusing on completely different approaches will bring light to many explanations of why people act the way they do, including myself. By using both case studies and personal work from the works of Jung, Eysenck, and Allport researching introversion should not be a an issue. Although there is a lot of work to do with introversion, through this research one can get a better overview.
An introvert is a person that gathers their energy from within and requires time alone and would prefer to communicate by ways such as email and by writing and maybe texting they seem to prefer not to talk face to face and are not great public speakers. Introverts are often said to be reserved. They are often said to enjoy the quiet and this is what