
Shoumica Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have you ever had a friend whom you respected and looked up to? Luckily for me, I do have a friend whom I respect and look up to. Her name is Shoumica. She is 16 years old and lives in Ocean Township, New Jersey. I have known her for more than three years. During this time I have come to realize that she possesses good qualities that I would like to write about. Shoumica is responsible, trustworthy, and has a good sense of humor. Additionally, she is a very good friend. Shoumica is responsible. Whenever she has something to do she always stays on task and does not let anyone distract her. She pushes me to do the same. Shoumica does something that I really admire and that is she sets goals for herself and diligently tries to achieve …show more content…

My definition of trustworthy is someone who is dependable, and that is what she is. Shoumica never steals from me and that is why I trust her. Whenever I tell her something she gives me guidance on how to deal with certain circumstances. When I have a situation, Shoumica is one of the first persons to know about it. She also keeps our business between us and she does not tell anyone. Shoumica’s most outstanding characteristic that I like about her is her good sense of humor. Whenever I am distraught, she has a unique way of making me laugh which helps me to move along with my day. Even though her jokes are not funny sometimes, I still laugh knowing that she tried. I call her when I am bored or feeling sad. She always talks to me and cheers me up. Shoumica’s sense of humor will even make the grumpiest person laugh. That is why she is the best person to talk to when you need a good laugh. As you can see, Shoumica is an amazing human being. She is like an older sister I never had. What I especially like about her is that she is always looking out for me. She always wants what is best for me. We have a bond that is unbreakable, and I am glad to have such a good influence in my life. She is my mentor, my friend, my sister, and more importantly, someone who I truly

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