
Should We Stop Animal Testing Necessary?

Decent Essays

“All lives matter.” This is a quote that most everyone has heard recently. It has been plastered all over social media and is known as an argument to not discriminate. Yet when it says “all lives”, it doesn’t really mean ALL lives. Animal testing is the use of animals in biological, medical, and psychological studies. It is conducted because animals have similar organs and body processes. Yet because of this over 100 million animals die every year (“Experiments on Animals: Overview” ). Animal testing is unnecessary because it is unreliable, tortures animals, and there are alternative experimental methods.

Statistics have shown that animal based testing used to select drugs for human use are extremely unreliable. In fact, according to the FDA’s research, nine out of ten drugs deemed successful in animal tests fail in human clinical trials (“Limitations and Dangers” . This puts us in danger. Since a majority of medicines in doctor offices have been tested with animals, it could mean that potentially 90% of them could fail when tested on us. Such a medicine may cause drastic effects on a human. Not to mention, that there are several examples in history where animal testing has failed immensely. One of the better known …show more content…

It is cruel to assume that we can do this to animals, when they have done nothing wrong. Why not test on convicted criminals who have done something wrong rather than animals who haven’t? Or why not use hundreds of alternative methods and save the animals from torture? There is no doubt that in the future, animal testing will be scarce or even extinct with the help of people who are not afraid to raise their voice, yet you can contribute by doing as little as checking for for the animal testing symbol every time you go to buy our favorite

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