
Should We Stay in the Eu

Good Essays

Should the UK remain in the EU? In the aftermath of the Second World War, Winston Churchill called for the creation of a "United States of Europe" to bind France and Germany together. In doing so, he made clear that Britain would be a supportive but independent partner of any such entity. He famously said: 'We are with Europe but not of it." In the end, Britain did join the European Economic Community but only in 1973, 15 years after the Treaty of Rome was signed. We joined the Social Chapter in 1997, eight years after it was adopted by other member states. And we never signed up to Economic and Monetary Union or the Schengen Agreement on common borders. However, it is not until now that the British public have been presented with the …show more content…

As well as this, the UK would be able to join organisations that they are currently unable to, such as the World Trade Organisation and The European Free Trade Association. However, it would be ill judged to assume that the UK would be able to dictate terms with the EU simply because it is running a trade deficit. Primarily, the EU buys half of Britain's exports whereas the UK accounts for little over 10 per cent of exports from the rest of the EU, so the UK would be in a weak position to negotiate the best terms by which to continue. Furthermore, it could be argued that the UK's access to many non-EU markets is thanks to its EU membership. On its own, the UK only accounts for 4% of global. Therefore, even trade that is not within the EU is at risk and the UK faces a potential significant reduction in trade that will likely cause a reduction in economic growth unless there is sharp growth in the domestic market. Also, although gaining membership to other bodies might be of some help, joining the World Trade Orginisation would be a purely cosmetic move, as it has 161 member states meaning that the UK would not have that much clout, whilst EFTA is essentially governed by EU regulation as all the companies that operating within the EU must still operate under EU guidelines. This problem is also increased by the fact that many companies in Britain feel that a break with Europe is not in their best interests. For example,

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