
Should We Legalize Animal Testing?

Decent Essays

By. Ashtyn W.
Animals for medical tests? Before releasing a drug, many studies and tests must be done to legalize it. One question that many people have is; how do you know if this drug will work? Well we test these drugs on animals, such as monkeys which have similar tissue to humans. This is one example of animal cruelty. Some other questions people ask are; what is our system for testing these drugs, and how could we change it? “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any way,” says Animal cruelty is occurring all over the world. Helpless animals are being snached from their natural homes, and are taken to artificial labs where they are injected, harassed, or even killed for our livelihood. Medical labs everywhere are using these animals so that they don’t risk the lives of one of the workers, but instead they are risking the lives of animals. Yes theses animals are being taken for medical tests to improve our medical field, do we really need to use them for these tests? What do you think?
Many people wonder how exactly we are using the animals to test drugs, and that is what I am about to tell you. …show more content…

Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center are printing human tissue and organs using 3D printers, and this is a huge advancement, and we should be using this to change the drug tests, not just to play around and see how far we get. Some labs are thinking, and have brought animal cruelty into discussion and are working to change this problem. They believe that they can grow human tissue, and use that to test their drugs. This is a wonderful idea and not only will it reduce animal cruelty, it will deliver more accurate results. All labs should start thinking about what they can do to reduce animal cruelty inside the medical

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