
Should We Go To War Justified?

Satisfactory Essays

War is justified when it is done for right intentions such as self-defense, possibility of chance of winning and/or had no other option but to go with it; it can also be unjustified because countries fight for selfish reason and sometimes there is no type of warning others that war is coming. War brings death, destruction and suffering, which both ruin lives and nations but it also bring justice. For example, China was invaded by japan, so china fought in defense. One of the “just War theory” reason is not to go to war unless it was for self-defense, and since china was being invaded by japan they had no choice but to protect themselves and their people by going on and fighting back. Also, because China was allied with the United States, they jumped in as an act of justice, meeting one of the requirements of the Just War theory, making war justified. …show more content…

Also another example is president Truman gave japan a chance to surrender but they didn’t want to, so the U.S went on with it because they knew they had the weapons to keeping going according to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, they didn’t even need help to defeat Japan, Another example of a possibility of winning war, is Germany because Germany had a large military system and had weapons that they could use against there to win the war. Although, Germany military and weapons would fall in a just cause theory for having a chance to win the war, it also can fall for selfish reasons in this case is consider for war to be unjustified. For example, Germany wanted revenge and land, and that was all for selfish reasons. Germany was being treated unfairly and had the most negative effects because of the Treaty of

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