
Should The United States Imperialize Cuba In The Late 1800's?

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The United States imperialized Hawaii and Cuba’s economic, military, and cultural in the late 1800’s. Imperialism states for a policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories. During this time different countries were trying to control the weaker nations. Cuba was a territory of Spain. Cuba wanted their independence later given by the American-Spanish War. Hawaii was also becoming a territory of the United States during this time Cuba was one of the territories that United States imperialized. The US was a heavy consumer of the sugar produced in Cuba but didn’t meet the sugar industry demands. The international market collapsed, and the US used this opportunity to purchase the sugar mills in Cuba “Cuban sugar mills into bankruptcy … sensing an opportunity, investors from the United States …show more content…

Before Hawaii became a part of the U.S. they were controlled by a queen named Litiuokaloni which was later replaced with Sanford B. Dole. We build a naval base in pearl harbor which help our military to transport soldiers or equipment. They also wanted to show off how powerful the U.S. was. “The great white fleet was a world tour showing off naval power. This information shows that during this time just like other nations were showing off the naval power, the United States was going to do as well .Document 6 explains “the result of this competition of races will be “survival of the fittest” Social Darwinism was the main goal for every nation to gather as much of countries that they could influence and spread their beliefs Hawaii was a sugarcane producer of the U.S. Being a territory caused the sugar production to increase making the US to gain more money. Document 3 demonstrate that during 1915-1993 the Hawaiian sugarcane production increase a large amount. The sugar production helps the U.S

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