
Should The Juvenile Justice System Affect Children's Behavior?

Decent Essays

The psychological concept perfects clearly in how mental developments in the brain shape a person either good or bad. Lack of certain aspects of learning self controlled behavior physically and emotionally, can result in a person reacting in an unproductive behavior way. Youth who are at stage three in brain development are in need of critical support to help regulate that. If not regulated, those emotional ways can be a threat to society and to themselves. The juvenile justice system recognizes children as having a greater chance to change because they are still developing mentally.
Not all states think that the juvenile justice system is persistent in rehabilitation into changing the child’s behavior. In a nationwide height of delinquent behavior in late 1980’s and early 1990’s, some states adopted a “get tough” policy on crime. Considering the fact that juveniles needed to experience the dangers and probable abuses ascribed to incarceration with adult offenders in the criminal justice system. However, when this is being regulated into the youth all they are seeing is negative aspects that may not even fear them. They are so use to crime and looking at more crime within itself in the criminal justice system is just another reality of what is set into their future. …show more content…

If a youth enters into the adult system, they would more likely have to join a gang for protection which is another factor as why youth join gangs. There is probably no family on the inside of prison so entering prison they would more than likely have to form some type of bond with someone. Teaching corrective discipline young and regulating a child’s mind goes a long way with psychological development. The maintaining and learning of emotions and self controlment will lead the child to a less likely criminal activity

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