
Should The Holocaust Be Prosecuted For Their Crimes

Decent Essays

Over 80 years ago one of the worlds biggest tragedies occured. The Holocaust was a horrible event that will shape history forever. Over 11 million innocent people were killed due to one man's hatred. The deaths of these people should not be forgotten. This is why the Nazi war criminals should be prosecuted for their crimes. Firstly, the deaths that were caused by these Nazi’s was not just. The fact that there are still criminals out there living without their consequences is appalling. These people no matter if they were still 20 years old and young, or if they are 90 years old they need to pay for the crimes they commited. In an article from CNN states, “Reaching the age of 85 or 90 does not turn a mass murderer into a Righteous Gentile.”(Efraim Zuroff). The fact that people are considering allowing these criminals to live a normal life is truly sickening. Age means nothing. Justice needs to be served to anyone, young or old, who has done wrong. …show more content…

That person would want their offender to pay for their actions. Just because the Holocaust happened many years ago does not mean the justice does not have to be served. This opinion was expressed by Kurt Schrimm when he told The New York Times, ““My personal opinion is that in view of the monstrosity of these crimes, one owes it to the survivors and the victims not to simply say ‘a certain time has passed, it should be swept under the carpet,’”.(Hanna Kozlowska).This shows although the Nazi’s actions affected the lives of many for the last eighty years, these people need to pay for what they have done no matter how long ago it

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