
Should The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform

Decent Essays

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a mammoth part of financial reform legislation passed by the Obama presidential term in 2010 as a reaction to the financial crisis of 2008. The act's many provisions, implied out over thousands of pages, are scheduled to be taken over a point of several years and are intended to decrease various risks in the U.S. fiscal system. The act established a number of new government agencies tasked with supervision over various components of the act. There are so many provisions, such as financial stability, orderly liquidation authority, transfer of power to comptrollers, FDIC and Fed, Hedge funds, insurance, pay it back Act, and Etc, which contribute to better department and regulations. …show more content…

However, banks can keep any funds that are less than three percent of revenue.The Volcker Rule does allow some trading when it's necessary for the bank to run its business. For example, banks can engage in currency trading to offset their own holdings in a foreign currency. But the Volcker rule is not in place yet, and some of its rules are still being decided. It is scheduled to go into effect in July 2012. However, regulators say they might not have all the rules in place by then. Dodd-Frank requires that the riskiest derivatives, like credit default swaps be regulated by the …show more content…

It prevents mortgage brokers from earning higher commissions for closing loans with higher fees and/or higher interest rates, and says that mortgage originators cannot steer potential borrowers to the loan that will ensue in the highest payment for the originator.
The CFPB also governs other types of consumer lending, including credit and debit cards, and addresses consumer complaints. It calls for lenders, excluding automobile lenders, to disclose information in a configuration that is easiest for consumers to understand and understand; an instance is the simplified terms you'll find on credit card applications.
The Volcker Rule is said to limit speculative trading and do away with proprietary trading by banks. This change could make it more difficult for banks to be profitable. The act also contains a provision for regulating derivatives such as the credit default swaps that were widely blamed for contributing to the 2008 financial crisis. The Volcker Rule also regulates the financial firms' use of derivatives in an effort to prevent "too-large-to-fail" institutions from calling for big risks that might wreak havoc on the wider economic

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