
Why Should Schools Be Longer

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It's the place where you learn seven hours a day yes I am talking about school.The school board is trying to make school longer in my opinion on it is no because i'm a student and I barely like school but other people like adults think school should be longer and the rest of you that later. But people think school schould be longer because there might be low scores or they might not be learning well enough.

I did some research and I found out that if the schools days are longer it would cut into time with our family. Here in West Verginia if the school school day is like past five oclock then its going to get dark well in some seasons.Some kids walk home so it would be dangerous for kids to walk in the dark because they can get kidnapped. …show more content…

Research do not support why school should be longer because it would not fix anything and I Do not know why people trying to make the school longer but I only got like two or three hours to spend with my family before it get dark and everybody go away from each other or my mom go to sleep so i got barely enough time to spend with my family.

People think school should be longer because if a school have low test scores for a lot of people I think they would think that the students are not learning so they would try to do their best to try to get the scores up even if it mean that they will make the school day or year longer and talking about the school year then if its longer then it would take time off of summer break and I have a family vacation so if the school year is longer and people leave for summer break would that take points of our

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