Many may urge that Pluto should be considered a planet for it has similar characteristics as the planets of the Solar System; however, others still believe that Pluto should not be considered a planet because of its slight differences and conditions that are not matched.
Pluto is recognised by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as a dwarf planet for it doesn't match the third condition of what defines a planet. IAU proposed three conditions to becoming a planet. The first condition being: (a) is in orbit around the Sun; the second condition being: (b) has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape; the third condition, in which Pluto has not met the standards to, being:(c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. Pluto doesn’t meet the standards to the final condition as Pluto follows the orbit path of some asteroid-like objects in space and are surrounded with these objects. If people were to ignore the third condition and recognise Pluto
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Reporters with interest in Pluto have published many articles related to the matter of whether Pluto should be considered a planet. Many are opposing the opinion that Pluto should not be considered a planet as the third condition is very vague. For instance, the Earth’s neighbourhood could be considered as not cleared out as the moon is following it around; Jupiter is continuously having contact with asteroids named Trojans, and Neptune’s orbit crosses over with Pluto’s orbit. The Guardian stated in one of it’s articles that Pluto should not have a ban from being a planet due to its small size. IAU, however, has not made any regards on this criticism. These opposing views about Pluto may be correct in a way; however, factually speaking, Pluto is still not considered as a planet as IAU has not made any changes towards its definition of the word,
Pluto isn’t a planet for many reasons the main one being, it only follows two of the three criteria of being a planet. According to the article “Pluto: Planet or not?”, for Pluto to be a planet it needs to meet three pieces of criteria. In the article “Pluto: Planet or not?” it states that “Pluto meets two of these three criteria.” Therefore, Pluto should not be considered a planet because, it doesn't meet the criteria it needs to. Many scientist would agree that Pluto is considered a dwarf planet. “Pluto is a dwarf planet” Christensen wrote. It’s just plain and simple, Pluto is a dwarf planet, no doubt about it. There shouldn’t be any confusion about whether Pluto should be considered or not for many reasons. If it doesn’t meet all three
As it has been proved pluto infact does orbit the moon and has moons of its own. So with pluto having two of the four classifications why would it be declassified? It has been thought that pluto might just simply be the first of a population of small, icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune.” ( Rincon). But many people contradict that theory saying that Pluto orbits the sun so therefore it has to be a planet and that the icy bodies, if beyond the orbit of Neptune, would then not be able to orbit the sun like Pluto infact does. Pluto before has been thought to have been a meteor that had just been caught in the gravitational pull of the solar system. That was however proved inaccurate because Pluto was far it big in mass to be a meteor. With Pluto being more than 3.6 billion miles away from the sun (May). It hardly gets warmth and which is why Pluto is a hard crater filled icy orb. Many people believe that pluto is just a larger
Neil DeGrasse Tyson wrote The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America’s Favorite Planet to examine why Pluto ought not to be considered a planetary body and instead a dwarf planet or Kuiper Belt Object.
The election of 1972 had an incumbent Republican president Richard Nixon running for reelection against a divided Democratic party. Many predicted that Edward Kennedy, John F. Kennedy’s brother, would be the Democrat nominee for President. After he declined the offer, the race became wide open. The perceived front runners for the nomination were Senator Edmund Muskie and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Muskie had been running a successful campaign in ‘68 when the “Canuck letter” came out, and after responding emotionally to accusations about his wife, his calm and reasoned persona was ruined. George Wallace, the famous anti-integrationist was running for the Democratic nomination as well as Senator George McGovern from South Dakota was also running, but he had very low poll numbers early into campaigns during the primaries. In August, McGovern was given 200 to 1 odds of securing the Democratic nomination.(Anson)
In August 2006 pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet and it is still considered to not be a planet. Do you think it should be considered a planet? Pluto should not be considered a planet in my opinion.
Today we are going to talk about Pluto and its features. Pluto is a dwarf planet, it is very cold and its orbit takes longer to revolve around the sun than other planets. Pluto is not considered a planet now but it was before a meteorite knocked it out of orbit a long time ago. Pluto is much further from the sun than the other planets. Because it is so far out it takes longer to orbit the sun.
Outer space is a realm of new discoveries and possibilities. There is one particular planet in our solar system that is brimming with these possibilities. However, for nine years it has not actually been considered a planet. The “dwarf planet”, Pluto, has been overlooked and misrepresented in astronomy and planetary science. Since being demoted from planet status to dwarf planet status, little Pluto has raised some big questions about what defines a planet and what does not. In this paper, I will attempt to persuade you that Pluto should be promoted back to its original planet status. First, I will give you a brief history of Pluto, from its discovery to what prompted its reclassification. Next, I will explain the definition of a planet as given by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the definition’s flaws. Finally, I will discuss the recent discoveries of the New Horizons mission and how these new discoveries should lead to the reclassification of Pluto to its original planet status.
Many issues have arisen from the debate whether or not Pluto is a planet. Some astronomers say that Pluto should be classified as a “minor planet” due to its size, physical characteristics, and other factors. On the other hand, some astronomers defend Pluto’s planet status, citing several key features.
Pluto shouldn’t be described and identified or labeled a dwarf planet because it has the same features as other planets, it does everything the other planets do and more, most importantly each planet is different making pluto the same. Pluto should be considered a planet it’s not fair! According to, Charles Q. Choi, Contributor, Pluto has 5 moons. According to Nine Planets, Pluto has an atmosphere consisting of mainly nitrogen extending to 1,600 km above the surface. According to Business Insider, scientists estimate that smooth patch on Pluto is only about 100 million years old, as
Did you know Pluto’s not a planet? Pluto is a dwarf planet. The astronomers are going to find out how Pluto became a dwarf planet.
Pluto’s orbit is very different from the other planets in the solar system. There are three criterias you have to meet in order to be considered a planet. It has to orbit the Sun, be in the shape of a
I do not believe the Exodus happened as the bible has proclaimed it happened. I believe this because there isn’t any archeological evidence that the Sinai desert could have 3 million people survive and there was no record of a massive increase in population in Canaan . Also there isn’t any written proof that there was any Israelites in Egypt other than what the Hebrews wrote. There was no way a supposed 3 million Hebrew slaves could have prepared and made the journey from Egypt to their destination as the Bible said they did.
Astronomers now label Pluto as a “dwarf planet” because it does not meet all of the criteria to be a planet. It is also not alone in its orbit; it is part of a wide group of small-scale objects that have been detected revolving around the Sun beyond Neptune.
To be qualified as a planet and object must orbit a star, is not star-like in that it is undergoing internal nuclear fusion, and has a gravitational force that will allow it to retain a spherical shape. Pluto certainly fulfills these requirements, however, there are Kuiper objects that also meet the same criteria. These objects have been classified as minor planets and have been assigned a numerical designation. Despite all the argument for demoting Pluto to a minor planet, its status has remained the same, even if solely contributed to maintaining historical context.
Some people think that abolishing the death penalty would cause criminals to commit more capital crimes. Although to some degree this is true, I believe that if a criminal is going to commit any capital crime his or her first thought is how can I get away with this? Most criminal may not even think about getting caught. For me this statement applies to the mentally ill convicts, which is one of the reasons why I’m against the death penalty. Besides the execution of an mentally ill person these are the reasons why I oppose the death penalty the death penalty is racist, the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment, the death penalty is not a deterrent to violent crime, the death penalty condemns the innocent to die, and the death penalty punishes the poor. The death penalty is a punishment to execute, which is overseen to someone who is legally convicted of a capital crime.