
Should Planned Parenthood Be Banned?

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For nearly 100 years, Planned Parenthood has not only been helping couples start their family but it has been servicing abortions and now recently have started to send out body parts of children's, I’m taling about ittle infants as well has been getting their arms chopped off, hearts rippd out, eyes scoped out and thrown on the tables of people known to be scientists, conducting deadly experiments on the parts of hose childerns. Which is why Planned Parenthood needs to be banned, fort he disgusting works they have done. For almost a ceurywe have ben providing this instution will thousands of money, but have we gone back and checked what exactly have they been doing. (http://www.opensecrets
.org/orgs/summary.php?id=D000000591) THey have been, …show more content…

Planned Parenthood, where the name itself sounds so ideal and loving, making way to hearts of million eagerly awaiting a little surprise. It recieved its name from two clinics, American Birth control League an Birth Control Clinical Rearch bureau merged together came its nme. (
-it-be-defunded/) Planned Parenthood, It provies peopl with clincial screeings, STDS testing, contracepties, etc. In 1960 the first oal irt ontrol was apprved of. And ten years after abortion wsstarted. (
-parenthood-and-should-it-be-defunded/) Stories unfolded as time moved n, but the contreversies remain, the fght among women saying if you have courage to be in a sexual relationship the dont step back when a child is being formed. I dont understand what god reason cold someon have to end a life that hasnt even egun yet, the touches a women feels in her wombs how can they deny? he love of their child wrapping inside er stomach.(

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