For nearly 100 years, Planned Parenthood has not only been helping couples start their family but it has been servicing abortions and now recently have started to send out body parts of children's, I’m taling about ittle infants as well has been getting their arms chopped off, hearts rippd out, eyes scoped out and thrown on the tables of people known to be scientists, conducting deadly experiments on the parts of hose childerns. Which is why Planned Parenthood needs to be banned, fort he disgusting works they have done. For almost a ceurywe have ben providing this instution will thousands of money, but have we gone back and checked what exactly have they been doing. (http://www.opensecrets
.org/orgs/summary.php?id=D000000591) THey have been,
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Planned Parenthood, where the name itself sounds so ideal and loving, making way to hearts of million eagerly awaiting a little surprise. It recieved its name from two clinics, American Birth control League an Birth Control Clinical Rearch bureau merged together came its nme. (
-it-be-defunded/) Planned Parenthood, It provies peopl with clincial screeings, STDS testing, contracepties, etc. In 1960 the first oal irt ontrol was apprved of. And ten years after abortion wsstarted. (
-parenthood-and-should-it-be-defunded/) Stories unfolded as time moved n, but the contreversies remain, the fght among women saying if you have courage to be in a sexual relationship the dont step back when a child is being formed. I dont understand what god reason cold someon have to end a life that hasnt even egun yet, the touches a women feels in her wombs how can they deny? he love of their child wrapping inside er stomach.(
In January 2016, Congress passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, a family planning group that runs more than 800 reproductive health clinics across the United States. They wanted to cut Planned Parenthood because they perform abortions. Most people don’t know they only do them for certain situations. If you were raped and the pregnancy is still early they will perform it. If the pregnancy was included in incest they might terminate it due to problems that would be cause in the baby due to alike DNA. In other cases if the pregnancy was harming the mother they might also do it then. That's not all what planned parenthood does though. They also have operations that include prevention pregnancy by distributing birth control and free condoms. They also educate the public about contraception, they reduce the spread of STD’s through education, testing, and treatment. They also screen for cervical and other cancers. Planned Parenthood offers so much but cutting tax funds they wouldn’t be able to offer a lot of those things. More than 5 million men and women world 5 million men and women worldwide use their services
The first argument for supporting Planned Parenthood is that it provides women with other health services and not just birth control or abortion. Without these services, women’s health will decline because many people can afford treatment. “Every year, Planned Parenthood’s doctors and nurses provide more than 3 million women with preventive health care, including nearly one million lifesaving screenings for cervical cancer, 830,000 breast exams, contraception to nearly 2.5 million patients and nearly four million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Literally, they are a trusted health care provider to millions of women (Whitman).” The statistic proves that Planned Parenthood does more than prevent unwanted pregnancy but also take on tasks care for women’s health.
The “Planned Parenthood Federation of America” is a non profit organization, funded by the Federal Government, in which it provides reproductive/maternal health services among the United States as well as internationally, since 1952. In recent news developments, there have been rumors that Planned Parenthood practices “inhumane” procedures when aborting an unborn baby to harvest their organs and that a law should be passed to stop this. The supporters for Planned Parenthood claim that these claims are unfounded and believe that Planned Parenthood is a wonderful association that helps women and men all around the world. This issue has caused a series of debates that have been going on for years, but Planned Parenthood still lives on.
Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood on October 16, 1916. It didn’t start out like the Planned Parenthood we know today. It started out on October 16, 1916 by Margaret Sanger, her sister Ethel Byrne and a fellow activist Fania Mindell, when they opened a birth control clinic in Brownsville, Brooklyn. They provided birth control information and advice to women, which was illegal back then. Then worked its way up to what is now known as Planned Parenthood. Throughout the 100 years of Planned Parenthood, birth control information became legal for married couples and then years after that birth control became legal for non-married
the mother’s right to make choices about her body: whether or not she wants to keep the
Planned Parenthood is an unmatched resource to an uncountable number of patients, and it should never be taken away. If everyone that does not support Planned Parenthood, based on the fact they provide abortions, were to look past that for a second. What they would see is a remarkable organization that is there to help everyone in need. Planned Parenthood is not just any old clinic, their patients know that going there will result in the best possible care available. Also women know that even if it could result in Planned Parenthood being defunded, that their rights will be fought for by Planned Parenthood. Knowing that patients need to have someone available to talk to is a quality that makes Planned Parenthood stand out. As well as the testing
Congress has sparked a debate as to whether or not the government should continue funding Planned Parenthood. Too many people are uneducated about the many services Planned Parenthood offers to those who would not be able to afford it otherwise. The debate began after a heavily edited video was released accusing Planned Parenthood of selling fetal organs for a profit. The selling of any body part is against federal law. CNN released an article confirming to the public that it was indeed an edited video by inputting the original and comparing it to the altered one. Planned Parenthood does donate tissue, but only for scientific research, and solely acquires reimbursement for the expenses. Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization.
Planned Parenthood falls into this category. They are a company that gives no thought to the law or justice and no thought to the value of life. They are a company who feels they are above the law and when put to the fire, they lie. Planned Parenthood has committed numerous illegal abortions. One of which is PBA (partial birth abortion). Here in our state PBA is illegal (according to KRS section 311.710), but Planned Parenthood doesn't care about that. Planned Parenthood merely cares about the cash that lines their pocket. Planned Parenthood commits this crime because “it produces intact tissue.” Continuing on, Planned Parenthood gives the promise to the DONOR that their procedure is locked in place and will not change (this is law too), but as you saw on the video once again Planned Parenthood has compromised not only on a state and federal law, but also on a patient's trust. It doesn't stop there, Planned Parenthood is involved in the trafficking of baby parts (selling and buying). According to federal
In the past year Planned Parenthood has been the topic of discussion in the Government and political circuit. A scandalous video came out this past year from an anti-abortion group who recorded employees of Planned Parenthood discussing the selling of fetal tissue to companies. Planned Parenthood has denied those allegations. It has been a heated argument among Democrats and Republicans, to keep, or to defund the organization. The issue was taken to the U.S. House of Representatives to discuss its fate in September of 2015 (Walsh, 2015). The bill did not end up passing, but many are still pushing to completely rid of the organization (Walsh, 2015). So, should the Government defund Planned Parenthood?
Planned Parenthood is a controversial topic sweeping the nation of America with political and moral issues. Every day one could come across a new article on it, stubble upon a news article in their local paper or even on their local news station. Planned Parenthood directly provides reproductive health services, is involved in teach young students about sexual education, contributes to research in reproductive technology, and interacts with legal and political efforts aimed at protecting and developing reproductive rights.
Little do most people know is that Planned Parenthood offers many other services such as contraception, STI testing, and cancer screenings. Recently, this organization was defunded by the government. I believe that the government should work with Planned Parenthood in making abortions legal for the first three-weeks after fertilization. This gives expecting mothers a chance for choice without affecting the ethicality of aborting a live fetus. Also, this would help to decrease the need for black market abortion specialists that are arising from the defunding. With abortion being legal for a set amount of time, these specialists won’t lose their jobs and would not have to go under the table to find work.
Numerous Americans, including some who are pro-choice regarding abortion, do not want their tax money used through Planned Parenthood for abortion. Staunchly religious people against abortion, claiming that it insults God to “kill unborn children,” are also against Planned Parenthood for giving out the service of abortion (DailySignal). Moreover, the selling of fetal parts by PP has become a big issue that is increasing the support for defunding PP.
Planned Parenthood has recently been in the national spotlight due to the number abortions the facilities across the United States conduct. While Planned Parenthood clients have an 80% reach out rate due to unwanted pregnancy, only 3% of their services are abortion related. Planned Parenthood reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies worldwide by 516 000 each year. The organization
Planned Parenthood, is a nonprofit organization that provides reproductive health services in the U.S. Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which changed its name to Planned Parenthood in 1942. Planned Parenthood has 56 locally governed affiliates nationwide and operates 650 health centers that conform to the communities where they are located. (Parenthood, Planned. "Who We Are.")
Planned Parenthood is a non profit organisation providing health care, sex education and other services for women and men all over the country. It is a government funded organization. Here arises a question, why should government fund such an organization, providing such services as abortion, when we already have other government funded projects that can do all of those other services that Planned Parenthood provides?