
Should Physician Assisted Suicide Be Legal?

Decent Essays

We Should be in Favor of Physician-assisted Suicide In a momentous decision released February 6, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Physician-assisted suicide will be legal in Canada within 12 months. This deci-sion has caused a myriad of controversy. Opponents of physician-assisted suicide argue that the constitution recognizes the sanctity of life and no one has the right to end the life of another person’s. Supporters, on the other hand, argue that patients who experience constant pain and misery due to health issues must be allowed to have the right to die with dignity of their own choices. This means it is necessary for the government to take measures to protect the right of those people who suffer. Though both arguments offer val-id points, it is absolutely crucial that all human beings should be entitled the essential right to be painlessly and safely relieved of suffering caused by incurable diseases.

The Constitution protects people’s life, so that no one can deprive others’ life. However, the protection provided by Constitution not only contains people’s right to live but also to die. People have autonomy to choose their right to live. Every competent people has the right to decide how to live, has the option for life, has the right to avoid pains and be al-lowed to do all things in a dignified way. For example, when a patient is diagnosed with a incurable disease, his life will be characterized by frequently going to the hospital and long

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