
Should Kids Be Kids?

Decent Essays

Let kids be kids, is a well-known statement that is used often around the world. This statement is meant to encourage the joyful care free nature of kids, although it isn’t always carried out. In today’s society, kids are subjected to rigorous testing. over structured curriculums, and are generally over stressed due the demanding needs of education. Though, education is important, these needs have impacted vital learning skills and children’s overall health. Education has dramatically changed over the years. Gone are the days of sand tables, dress up, and finger painting in kindergarten. Now, educators have started to transition from playful learning to more of a structural type of learning. These changes are due to the pressures of the No Child Left Behind Act and Common Core curriculum that has been enforced. Even though standardize testing doesn’t start until third grade, kindergarten teachers are held accountable if children aren’t prepared beforehand. Kindergarten has since turned to more structural work such as, workbooks and textbooks. While, this may seem to benefit math and reading skills, children aren’t learning the basic skills of development. A report by Jill Bowden, a postdoctoral fellow at the university of Pennsylvania, explains how developmental psychologist have shown that, for young children, play is learning and helps children to learn how interact with others.(33) Playful learning allows children to develop in areas such as imagination, language

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