
Should Gas Prices Be Raised

Decent Essays

If a person was asked a question such as “ Should taxes be raised?” Their answer would most likely be no way! The reasons why gas prices should not be raised is because if the price is raised then the poor people will have a harder time paying for their house and bills, and by the way expanding economy and cheaper oil makes more money for the United States, and last if there is a smaller price on gas then the demand for it will go down by a lot. First of all, it is very obvious that if the prices go up for something, then people who do not have as much money are going to struggle. If the prices go up for gas then the non wealthy people will probably have trouble finding money to pay for their gas in their cars. Not only will they struggle with paying for their gas, they will have distress in paying for their house and their bills. Imagine living in a governer house with a few kids and a wife or a husband. Then all the sudden the gas prices go up about one dollar! That family would not be happy at those changes. Then if they found out that the government increased the prices only to reduce consumption, then they would definitely be in rough scenario. Next, if America expanded their economy then that means more money. When they say more money for America, then they mean a bunch more for the United States. They say that by …show more content…

There is the reason that the needy or the non wealthier people in a community usually have a harder time paying off their house bills or even getting to places like work for example. Also, it will not only be better for the poor, but keeping gas prices lower it stimulates economic growth. People will want to travel more and will want to spend their money on better and more important things. Last, gas will be more accessible if the cost is declined. Raising the price of gasoline to decrease consumption is a short term

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