
Should Driving Age Be Raised

Decent Essays

"53% of adults think it's a good idea to raise driving age. It is a current problem because younger drivers will have a hard time making quick decisions to get out of situations." If young drivers are not able to make the decisions then there's a chance that they might hurt others or just get someone killed. One reason is 16 year old brains aren't fully developed another reason is hormones can affect driving skills. Some say it's not a good idea to raise age because children will have to get a ride from parents eventually they will need to drive themselves to events. However, if young children drive they wont know how to act during a road situation. The minimum driving age in Washington state should be raised. The government should raise the …show more content…

According to Bill Van Tassel, AAA's national manager of driving training programs, "We have parents who are pretty much tired of chauffeuring their kids around, and they want their children to be able to drive" (Davis, 248-49). The reason parents want their children to drive is because parents come home tired and don't want to give their children rides. However, sacrificing safety for parents convenience should not be tolerated. "Sixteen year olds drives are involved in fatal crashes at a rate nearly five times the rate of drivers 20 or older." This quote shows that younger drivers crash far more often than older drivers. So the driving age should be raised so no more young lives are lost.
If the government raises the driving age then the roads would be a lot safer. If the government doesn't raise the age then 16 year olds will crash more often because their brains are not fully developed. Another reason is that their hormones can affect their driving skills. So if we want less crashes then we should raise driving age. The reason why is because some teens may not be mature enough to handle cars or they may not be able to perform wise judgments to get out of fatal situations on the

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