
Should College Athletes Be Paid? Essay

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There has been a lot of talk about college-athletes for the past couple of years in America. One of the biggest question is if college-athletes should get paid to play or not? This topic obviously has two sides to it. One side people are pushing the idea of paying these college-athletes thousands of dollars to play that sport. On the other side people are not liking the idea of paying student-athletes to play that sport and they’re only in college. This paper will examine whether or not paying student-athletes is a good idea or a bad idea. This document will support the fact the student-athletes should not get paid to play any sports at any college level. This document will only follow football but will have the same effect on other sports. Their will be three main points for this discussion. First being that college students are too young and immature. Next point will show some profession players that really fall under these categories. The last point will show some of the reasons why people think they should get paid. If a student plays a college sport, this is their time to develop their skills and only professionals should get paid. To start off, let’s talk about why college athletes shouldn’t get paid. Let’s start off by saying that only professionals in any field show be paid. It doesn’t matter if you’re a football player, a teacher, a coach anything, you should not get paid until you are officially a professional. It takes years to become a professional in any field.

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