
Should College Athletes Be Paid

Decent Essays

For years an extensive controversy has been ongoing about whether or not college athletes should receive compensation. Jon Solomon, NCAA expert, reveals in his 2013 survey that 69 percent of the public and 61 percent of sports fans oppose paying college athletes. Much like Solomon, many agree collegiate athletes should not be paid, while others argue otherwise.
Colleges do not have enough money to pay their athletes. Football and basketball are the prime reason college athlete compensation is a topic of importance. “NCAA released data showing that only 14 programs are turning a profit without having to rely on student fees and fundraising.” (Dosh) Out of the hundreds of teams in the nation only 14 are making profit. Where are the other teams going to make their money? The dilemma is, if schools pay football and basketball players then other athletes are going to be obligated to acquire compensation too. With all the money going towards athletics and scholarships, universities would lack money for necessary expenses. …show more content…

The physical labor versus student’s mental labor differentiates the two. Both classes still laboring on school studies, it would be inequitable to wage athletes and not the rest of the student’s. There are more essential careers than a professional athlete. If any body of students should receive compensation in college it should be medical students. Spending years upon years in college with thousands of dollars in debt is a larger issue than a sport. So why shouldn’t they make a salary in college? The betterment of our nation is more important than sports entertainment. Everyone has a choice of what they desire to study and work at in college. Athletes, much like medical students, make the decision on whether or not to play in college, it is not

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