
Should Child Discipline On A Physical Level?

Decent Essays

Is it illegal to slap or smack a child as a form of discipline? Should it be?

With the changing of times questions are being raised whether or not smacking or slapping a child is right or wrong by todays standards, This essay is going to argue why child discipline on a physical level should not only been illegal but why the country as a whole needs to ban it.

As of the current point in time there are currently no laws making slapping, smacking or striking a child “illegal”. The only law that is besides that is reasonable chastisement. The meaning of reasonable chastisement is stated as
“Parents have the right to make choices about reasonable punishments, but there is a fine line between "reasonable chastisement" (which is a defence in law) and assault (which is a criminal offence)
may, 2015)”

A smack is considered reasonable chastisement if it’s, done by an open hand and not a closed fist or any sort of implement, it is to be administered to part of the body where it will not cause ‘Harm’ and not severe enough to leave a mark. Even though it may be considered reasonable chastisement with a smack on the bottom, smacking a child on the head even open handed may be considered as assault.

Australian legislation states “The Children 's Protection Act 1993 (SA) refers to children "at risk". According to Section 6(2) of the Act, a child is at risk if:
(aa)there is a significant risk that the child will suffer serious harm

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