
Essay on Should Bilingual Education Be Taught In Schools

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“Of the 281 million people age 5 and older in the United States in 2007, 55.4 million individuals — or 20 percent — reported speaking a language other than English at home.” (Newsroom) As the number of non-English speaking people in our country increases there is also a debate going on as well. This debate is over whether American Schools should offer a bilingual education to accommodate these people or not. “Bilingual Education is the practice of teaching non-English speaking children in their native language, while they are learning English.”(Bilingual Education) In “The Achievement of Desire”, Rodriguez writes about his experiences growing up as a Mexican-American student and the toll that it took on his life. Bilingual education may …show more content…

A higher education leads to a better career outlook for all students. The ability to speak English is almost a necessity for success in our country.
In today’s society many people look down on people who seem to be different. This is the case with Rodriguez in “The Achievement of Success”. Newt Gingrich, a possible presidential hopeful in 2007, proposed the idea that “The American people believe English should be the official language of the government…We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto.” (At Issue, 57) In “The Achievement of Success” Rodriguez writes that “There may be some things about him that recall his beginnings – his shabby clothes, his persistent poverty; or his dark skin (in those cases when it symbolizes his parents’ disadvantaged condition) – but they only make clear how far he has moved from his past. He has used education to remake himself.” Rodriguez clearly blames his success with his education and the fact that it made him more important. He believes that his education made him a better person and someone who fit in with the rest of the people in America.
Many people believe that by offering bilingual education it would make other ethnicities believe that they do not need to learn

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