
Should Americans Be Required To Vote Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Why should Americans be required to vote? Why should any citizen be required to vote? In some people’s opinions, they believe that Americans shouldn’t be required to vote. While as, others might disagree and believe Americans should be required to vote. Voting is a privilege, not a mandatory requirement. In my opinion, there are a lot of reasons as to why Americans should not be required to vote. Some people religions are against voting for political figures, most religious people who won’t vote is because they might believe it is that politics is artificial, divisionary, or corrupt. Others don’t care to vote at all, and there are many other different reasons as to why people don’t vote. Voting is a great advantage that Americans should benefit from. Reasoning why, this is a time where you can voice your opinion and choose a candidate up for election. Every single citizen has the right to vote, but yet so many people just don’t vote. In my opinion, I believe that Americans should not be required to vote by law. My reasonings Americans should not be required to vote are: no trust in the government, a lack of understanding of politics, laziness, etc. Though some people believe if you don’t vote that it is very rude and disrespectful, because people protested and fought so hardily to be able to have the right to vote. As some others, who would love to vote and get denied the opportunity to vote we just shrug …show more content…

Having a law required to vote will have better voter turnouts, but it is a lack of freedom. In Document A, it states how 120 out of 160 nations don’t have mandatory voting, so something must be wrong with be required to vote by law. Voting is a choice, you don't have to vote in America if there is a law that will pass for required laws. It will be a terrible downfall if there was mandatory voting it doesn’t equal voter satisfaction with the

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