
Should America Play the Role as a World's Policeman? Essay

Decent Essays

„Should the U.S. use its military and financial power to act as the world’s policeman?”

Today, America has to justify their acting like a world’s policeman, that they want to fulfill their mission to bring freedom all over the world.
This behavior offers the question, if America should use its power or if the U.S. should better behave like other nations with a certain distance towards other countries’ problems.

To consider about this question, we have to take a deeper look to the American history.
When the first settlers arrived in America they were oppressed respectively influenced by the British Empire. There were 13 colonies, which fought for their freedom.
These people were very pious religious groups who had a strong belief …show more content…

Being a world policeman is connected with financial costs, which are extremely high.
These costs could also be used to help America and its citizens itself.
For instant, in case of natural catastrophes, like Orlando, only a few years ago.
I am convinced that these Americans didn’t want to spend any money to help other people in other countries.
In connection with this, America helps, that humanitarian aid reach its intendment.

The money could also be used for the American poverty, to help poorer people out of their situation and to finance a general school system, with proficient teachers.

A further American justification is that they want to protect human rights.
I would like to emphasize the genocide in several parts of Africa, where never American troops have been sent to.
Due to this fact, it seems that America is not in all cases interested in protecting liberty and democracy all over the world. Africa for example doesn’t offer any recourses of American interest.
We have to take into account that America avoids or lessens genocide and atrocities, but we have to keep in mind and to criticize, that they aim to other goals, beside the values I mentioned already.

The role America have been taken could increase an already growing ant-American sentiment around the world.
Furthermore, America is in great danger to be attacked by their enemies, they made during the invasion of certain states, like Irak or Afghanistan.


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