
Short Term Memory Loss In Hollywood Films

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Hollywood films are designed to entertain. They are constantly pushing the boundaries on what is ethical and what is not. Mental illnesses and disorders are very commonly exploited in films. It is very rare when a film portrays an accurate representation. Short term memory loss is a widely false representation of memory loss disorders including Anterograde Amnesia in Hollywood films. From films intended for children, to romance films, to thrillers, Hollywood is making money exploiting short term memory loss. While many are suffering, people buy movie tickets and films to watch, and are entertained by false representation on very serious disorders. By continuing to show Hollywood our interest in these films, they will continue to exploit sensitive …show more content…

Dory is a fish that suffers from short term memory loss. With each character she comes across she discusses her short term memory loss. Characters and audience members laugh at her forgetfulness, when in reality it is not a funny manner and is a serious topic that was turned into something playful for kids. The movie is Dory going on an exciting journey to find her parents. The film is a false portrayal of memory loss because she starts to get memories and it builds and though this does happen it does not happen as quickly and easy as is shown in the film. In the film dory is born with her short term memory loss and her parents are constantly letting her know she has short term memory loss. This is an accurate portrayal of life with memory loss. Loved ones being by your side and reminding you of the condition. Her parents would lay out shells for her to make it easy for her to find her way back. This is also accurate with the day to day struggle for wanting to keep your loved one with short term memory loss safe. Dory would forget about the shells all together. She ends up lost and eventually forgets about her parents. When in reality this is true. Once you stop reminding someone with short term memory loss of who you are they will forget. In those cases, they would forget if they did not have any old memories with a loved one. But in Dory’s case she was born with it so it is accurate that she forgets all together. …show more content…

In the movie 50 First Dates a, young women suffers from memory loss due to a car crash. Every day she wakes up and has forgotten the day before. Every day she is suffering with who everyone is and everyday has to be explained about the car crash. A young man falls in love with her and is confused the next time he sees her how she completely forgot about him. Her father and brother tell him and tell him to not waste his time that the relationship will never go anywhere due to her memory loss disorder. He still continues the relationship and reminds her everyday who he is and have a routine down, every day is the same day in her world. The films is accurate in the way that her father and brother tell him its hard work and to not get invested. It however is not accurate in the way that a man will easily fall for you and constantly remind you of who he is every day. In The Vow they were married so he was committed to his vow for better or for worse but in 50 First Dates the man falls in love with her far after. It can happen in real life but chances are very slim. In 50 First Dates they end up breaking up but she starts painting his face and remembers him. That is all she can ever remember though is his face. They get back together and have a baby together. The film ends with her waking up to a video that was made letting her know everything that has gone on so she can be able to see the

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