
Short Story

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The group concluded that, at nearly five-past, the gnats would have to go hungry and they filed out of the booth. They slipped past Evan without much more than a cursory word-- whether the presence of two known staff members assuaged him or it was just in his nature to be completely unperturbed by a quintet of off-the-clock individuals stepping confidently past the Employees Only sign was unclear. Electrified as they were imagining what would come next, stomping down the rickety stairs for the second time in less than twenty-four hours felt oddly comforting. Traipsing down the corridor of stacked bottles felt a bit familiar already; it was like no time at all had passed since they did it last night. They reached the end of the hallway to …show more content…

In what was quickly becoming the standard T. Strike greeting, he beamed at each one of them with stubby arms outstretched. “‘Ey! My kids! How’s everybody doin’ tonight? Good? Listen--” Tony marched resolutely past the kitchenette, until he was standing flush with the brick wall, just in the shadow of the fridge. His projection was strong enough that everyone could hear him as clearly as if he were standing beside them, even those of the group whose heels had just barely left the steps. “I think we were all a little caught up in the moment last night, but there was one last thing I meant to letcha know about.” With his typical full-faced smile and stratospheric eyebrow-waggle, he reached up and passed one hand right through the wall. “What kinda gnome would I be if I couldn’t make ya a nice door, huh? Big enough for everyone to fit through, no worries there. Should spitcha out right between the dumpsters behind the bar. It’s not glamorous, but better to come in that way than through the front door every time, yeah? Keep an eye on the service entrance to your left when ya leave, but otherwise, no one’ll be back there this time of night. All clear.” He thrust his hands into both pockets proudly and took a look around the room. “I’ll leave it open for ya, too. Don’t forget! I don’t want anyone tryin' to get a snack, goin’ for a nice lean and endin’ up

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