
Short Story Of Jojo Fletcher: The Bachelorette

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JoJo Fletcher is doing a great job as The Bachelorette, but it turns out this season almost didn't happen. A source is now revealing that during the filming of the show JoJo actually threatened to quit the show and never finish the season. This would have been a huge problem for ABC, and luckily JoJo decided to stick it out. In Touch Weekly shared the details about what upset JoJo so much that she almost gave up on the show. At first, when JoJo started on the show, she was really excited about it all and thought she had found love. The next thing that happened was that JoJo heard some rumors that a few of the guys were not totally honest with her about what had gone down in their past. The source went on to explain the details of why JoJo almost quit. …show more content…

She told producers she was done with the show and wanted to go home." The three guys that JoJo Fletcher has been questioning the most are Robby Hayes, Jordan Rogers and Grant Kemp. The thing is that all of these guys allegedly left pretty serious relationships so that they could go on the show and meet JoJo. After that, the source went on to share a bit more saying "Watching the show on TV has made JoJo see that so many of the guys are totally different people than they claimed. It’s like a kick in the gut. She’s realizing that they were just really good actors and that her instincts were right. Maybe she should have left." People shared that there is a lot of talk about if JoJo Fletcher will find love in the end or if she will end up getting her heart broken. The preview for the finale episode shows that JoJo isn't guaranteed to find love at the end of the season. In the finale, JoJo is seen saying, "Coming into this, I wanted to find love. And I found it with a man that will not be able to love me in the way I said I wanted to be loved." JoJo Fletcher is very obviously upset when she is talking about this on the

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