
Short Story Of An Inside Dog

Satisfactory Essays

Well hello, my name’s Carley! I was brought in to the shelter as a stray, and can be a little shy around new people at first. However, it doesn’t seem to take me long to start warming up to people. When you first go to pick me up, I tend to be a little leery of it at first; however when you start petting and talking to me, I start to calm down, and am okay with it. Loud noises and fast movements tend to scare me, so as a result, I think that I would do best in nice, calm, quiet environment that give me unconditional love. Even though I’m not an overly playful gal, I still like to run around and play with soft squeaky toys from time to time. I’m not sure if I was ever an inside dog in my past, but I’m doing pretty well about not having very

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