
Short Story 'Gryphon' By Charles Baxter

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In the short story “Gryphon” by Charles Baxter, it starts out with Mr. Hibler, a boy named Tommy and his 4th grade class’ teacher, getting sick and needing Miss Ferenczi as a substitute. Miss Ferenczi basically abandons the lesson plan and just talks and talks about very interesting things in place of having class, even going so far as to bringing in a tarot pack to tell the class’ fortunes on the last day. Though Tommy liked Miss Ferenczi, other classmates were upset with her, so she then gets fired and the class spends the afternoon with Mrs. Mantei’s class for science. In the story, Tommy was shown to have defended Miss Ferenczi. I think this is because she was a change from Tommy’s usually boring life. In lines 468-485 and 621-626, Tommy’s mother tells him to do chores and ignores his excited talk about Miss Ferenczi, which implies that Tommy has routine chores to do daily, and is kind of bored of them. Because he was so used to coming home to a list of chores every single day and having a routine schedule, he was excited to have something new, Miss F, and wanted to keep it that way, therefore defending her. …show more content…

As stated in lines 39-50, Miss Ferenczi wasn’t a substitute the class had seen before, and the pool was only four unemployed mothers they’d all had before, which probably made Tommy hope Miss F was different. When Miss F really ended up being different, telling the strangest stories and even the class’ fortunes, Tommy started out thinking she was crazy, but then began liking and respecting her, and even defending her. This shows that Tommy didn’t like things in a steady, boring routine, and that he defended Miss F because she wasn’t like that, but rather was

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