
Short Story

Decent Essays

All of their corpses lay upon the ground. At eternal rest they lay silent. The remains are bloodied and sliced to the point of no recognition. Time is still, and I stand in the room adjacent from the carcasses. My head is spinning, my breath is quick. The knife in my hand suddenly feels as if it’s one thousand degrees. The smell of iron creeps into my nose and shakes me to the core. I become so shaky that the seemingly ablaze knife comes loose and falls to the ground. A crisp three clicks fills my ear, and I suddenly am standing with a revolver to my head. My unevenly buttoned shirt dances in the wind as I stand here. The small grains of dirt and small rocks beneath my feet feel as though they are digging into my skin deeper and deeper …show more content…

He can see them dancing around the living room playing and pretending. They were only children, yet their god given gift of life was ripped from them. This sudden rush of memory brings him to point of anger one can not explain. He begins to quake with anger. The shaking gets more and more violent the more he thinks of his innocent children in their soon to be graves. His hands shake so much so that as time stands silent, I can hear the small metal parts inside of the pistol rattling and reminding me once again that I am dying within the next few minutes. If he were to pull the trigger at this very moment, the bullet would miss my head by miles.
With every passing second, the military gets more and more anxious. Each soldier howling and screeching. One soldier had the nerve to yowl into the lieutenant’s ear. He had no reaction. It’s as if he had heard nothing at all. As everyone around me chants and screams for my imminent death, the lieutenant has no movement. The howling and screeching is so loud, another country could surely hear. Yet, he remains still with a cold blank face. He can tell I am in pain and wish for my death. He wants me to suffer just like his newly murdered family. He will make me wait until I can’t wait anymore. The worst part is that it’s working. The pain grows as I wait to be killed. The more I stand on my aching feet waiting for the Lieutenant to pull the trigger, the more I just want him to end my life. I don’t deserve the life with which I

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