
Short Story: Closed Adoption

Decent Essays

Last year their birth mother relapsed. We had not heard from Beth in a while--in fact, no one had. Beth’s friends in Columbus had not heard from her, and she had not been showing up to her job. Everyone was concerned. My family had tried to contact her for weeks before she finally got in contact with us again. She had said that she checked herself into rehab as soon as she relapsed. Rehab was where she had been hiding out. My parents did not want to tell my siblings where she had been. They did not want them to think that their biological mother had chosen drugs over them. Since Beth had taken responsibility and went to rehab, they decided to give her a second chance.
Months went by and everything seemed to be getting back to normal. Beth had …show more content…

Opening the adoption and getting in contact with her had caused so much pain to my siblings. My sister would cry at night because she did not understand why her biological mother did not love her enough to chose a clean lifestyle. My sister deals with separation issues now. She cries and gets nervous whenever my mother tries to leave--even just to get groceries. My brother handled it a bit better than my sister since he was younger and did not quite understand what was going on. Allowing Beth into our lives brought issues into my family should not exist. My siblings should not know what drugs are at their young age. They should not have had to deal with her lifestyle. We adopted them to give them the opportunity to a fulfilling life. Opening the adoption only hurt them.
The sorrowful events that came with opening our adoption proves that if a closed adoption is chosen, it needs to stay that way. Adoptive children need protected from unhealthy lifestyles. Closed adoptions need to remain closed to protect children from experiencing a life they were supposed to be taken away from. Children need to feel loved and should be able to live life as a child instead of fearing situations out of their control. They can contact their biological family if they chose at the legal age, until then closed adoptions should remain just

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