
Short Story: Business Before Blood

Decent Essays

Business Before Blood He felt sick. Not flu sick or cold sick. Really sick. Had anything out of the ordinary happened that day? This question fazed him until he shut his eyes and went to sleep, not knowing that this was his final thought before the reactions killed him. *** Assistant District Attorney, Emily McMaster, was having an unacceptable day. She had had a restless night’s sleep, she’d lost five clients’ case files and now she couldn’t find her laptop! With a frustrated sigh, she rushed out of her house and hurried herself to work. Just as she turning into the street of the District Attorney’s Office of Philadelphia, her phone, rang. “ADA Emily McMaster speaking, how may I help you?” “Listen Emily, it’s Jack, we need you in the office …show more content…

Shoving the case file under Emily’s nose, she began flipping through the pages. It was about the murder trial of Peter Johnson for the murder of his son, Jamie. Just after seven AM on March the 4th 2014, Dr David Price, was called to the Johnson family home. Kathryn had found her son, Jamie, dead, with a bottle of sports drink standing on his bedside table. He was last seen at soccer training at six PM the night before, and after a careful autopsy, Dr Price concluded that Jamie had died as a result of a hypoglycemic reaction. Two days later, Jamie’s father, Peter, was charged with the murder. In the aftermath, Caplan Industries, a local company started a fundraiser to help children abused by their parents. The file then went on to further discuss the specifications of the …show more content…

‘No further questions.” The hearing went on forever. Numerous testimonies were made, and, because much of the evidence had been conflicting, Emily still felt she had a chance of saving Peter. “Your honour, I’d like to bring my final witness to the stand, Mrs Michelle Caplan.” Mrs Caplan was led into the witness box and sat in the chair. “Mrs Caplan,” Emily began. “Were you aware that your ex-husband, Matthew Caplan had an affair with the defendant’s wife, Kathryn Johnson?” Silence engulfed the room and even Peter was shocked at the accusation. “No?” replied Michelle in a now uncertain voice. “Could you please read out loud this email that you sent Matthew the night before your divorce.” “I found out what you’ve been doing,” began Michelle slowly. “Ten years, it’s been going on for. I can’t believe it! Is he your son?” Michelle looked to Emily with teary eyes. “Michelle, I must ask you one more question.” Emily’s menacing face looking up at her in the witness box. Michelle’s expression changed, mentally preparing herself for

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